I'll Run Your Ads, Book Your Appts & Dial In Your Sales Process To Help You Sign 3-5 New Clients Per Week Using Our

9 Point Acquisition Infrastructure.

I'll Run Your Ads, Book Your Appts & Dial In Your Sales Process To Help You Sign Avg 3-5 New Clients Per Week Using Our 9 Point Acquisition Infrastructure.


(no retainers, sign up fees, pre-payments, etc)



What is the 9 Point Acquisition Infrastructure??

The 9 point acquisition infrastructure is a revolutionary approach to getting a steady stream of high-quality appointments, signing clients, & growing your agency without PAYING A DIME UPFRONT.

We achieve this by installing 9 bullet-proof infrastructures (For $0.00 down) into your business, getting in the trenches with you, and helping you sign high paying clients - 100% done for you.

In other words, we'll install our digital acquisition infrastructure that is both repeatable and predictable (meaning you’re able to put $1 into this machine, have it go through a series of systems and then come back to you at $4).

This Infrastructure is the single biggest cheat code that has ever been known by man.

Being able to predictable put $1 into this machine to get back $4 is a full blown glitch in the simulation.

I mean, think about it.

Advertising and customer acquisition has always been a game of the elite - where you needed to know the broadcasting stations, have connections with the networks, and have deep pockets to run campaigns.

But for the first time in history this has been decentralized through online advertising, which is the SINGLE BIGGEST REASON that people like Iman, & so many other young entrepreneurs are able to make millions online and quite literally print money out of their computers.

Aka: cheat code to life

Now, over the past 2 years - I’ve spent millions on paid ads and have generated over $52m in combined sales by setting up acquisition infrastructures for myself and for other companies… aaand without sounding like an ego driven a**hole, I can say with confidence that I’ve become really good at this making money online.

And for those of you who don’t know who I am…

My name is Matei Parvu ✌️.

I am a father to 3, a husband, an Agency owner, SaaS Founder - and ultimately a man with an addiction to growing businesses & becoming the best version of myself I can be.

In 2022 I “hung up” the boots and divorced my luxury pool construction company.

Essentially, I would design, sell, and build high ticket ($120k - $300k+) luxury outdoor living spaces.

I would lead my crew of 5 employees to complete the projects. It was a shitload of work, and a lot of stress.

(This was the business model that allowed me to do my first million in sales - at 24 years old, as a pool contractor, in Canada.. Where its cold - lol)

Vlog of my pool companies channel below.

It wasn’t till the government grabbed the entire world by the balls in 2020 that I received a huge slap in the face and realized...

I had made money, but because I was location dependant I still didn’t have true freedom.

It was through this realization that I knew I desperately needed to build an online business.

So I decided to build a marketing agency that would of course go on to work with other pool contractors.

In my first 30 days I did over $32k in sales, and have never looked back.

Now, as an agency owner…

I’m beyond sick and tired of all these guru programs that charge $15k upfront and have 50 stipulations in order to be eligible for a guarantee.

Kind of annoying, eh?

Especially when it seems like most of the kids popping up on ads had one good agency month - sucked ass at service delivery, then decided to teach you how to build an agency...

Essentially selling you the shovel and telling you to go dig for gold 😂

Now, over the past year I’ve been putting out all of the things that have been working for me on my YouTube channel - for free, and in return have had dozens upon dozens of people dm’ing me saying that my raw unfiltered content changed their lives.

People hitting their first 10k, 15k and even 25k months by implementing my acquisition infrastructure.

No seriously. (more proof in section 2)

But here is the man, the myth, the legend himself!

Thomas Gonnet Was Able To Scale His Ads Using My Strategy

If the OG him self Thomas Gonnet sending me that wasn't crazy enough...

I’ve even had people DM me saying my free content was better than agency labs paid program, and he was quitting that program since my free content made him more money than agency lab... 😂

Now, to be clear....

I'm not hating on any one, or saying anyone has a bad program. (I literally have no clue what they do or teach or even sell)

Just sharing my experience.

But again, me personally - I’ve just never had a desire or an urge to sell information.

Just not my style.

I'd rather just give shit away for free and help as many people as possible.

Which is why, after giving away all of my stuff away for free on YouTube - i’ve decided to shake up the space just a little a little bit; with a limited time offer.

I want to work with a hand full of agency owners one on one, to install our end to end, 9 Point digital acquisition infrastructure, into your business, without getting paid up front….

But only get paid IF you see results...

Ballsy move, but in this era - the best way to move forward is on trust.

Now this obviously puts us in a position where we are physically not able to work with everyone, especially since we’re capping our client base completely...

So if this sounds like an interesting offer, feel free to fill out the application form below.

Limited Spots Available

⌛️ This Offer Is Limited And Will Soon Close ⌛️

$0.00 Down, No Retainers or Setup Fee

(Only pay if you sign new clients)

🤝 We Only Get Paid IF YOU WIN BIG 🤝

Does This Sh*t Work?!

(We'll let our community talk...)

Cody: From 1 Client → $22k/mo in 4.5 months

(only working part time)

Cody: From $0 → $92k MRR in 8 months total

Nico: New Ad Acct Getting $16/Lead & $52/ Appt

James: $1.2k → $10.1k/mo in 3.5 months

(while still in highschool)

Nick: $6 Leads on Day 1 + New Client on Day 2

Emi: 4 New Clients On $1600 Ad Spend

(1st time ever running ads)

Andrey: Scaled To $25kmo W/ My Paid Ads System

Kyran: Signed 7 Clients In 1st Mo W/ My Paid Ads

Maxime: 4x His Lead Volume From Our Ad System

Harold: Restructured His Service Delivery

(cut his lead cost in half)

Phew... That was a lot of scrolling 😅

P.S: I laughed my a** off when I saw one of my subscribers pushing his girlfriend to watch my content 😆

But I think after all these data points - and so many individual moments of people winning; it’s fair to say this acquisition infrastructure boasts a very high success rate across niches and industries…

Which is why i’m so confident we can install it for free and only get paid IF you see results…

$0.00 Down, No Retainers or Setup Fee

(Only pay if you sign new clients)

🤝 We Only Get Paid IF YOU WIN BIG 🤝

9 Point Acquisition Infrastructure = Exponential Growth

You might be asking: "how are you able to consistently get great results...

...Without Waiting 12+ Months To See Traction?"

Well, below is a detailed look into what we use over and over again to get amazing results.

Infrastructure 1

Authoritative Branding Infrastructure

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(Cause F*** Making Claims Without Proof ↑)

With more and more competition joining the space, you need to enhance your brand AND offer to allow you to become the go to industry leader - without becoming a commoditized service.

These are the following systems we have built out:

  • Authoritative Branding Systems (Strategic YouTube, & Shorts Content To Build Brand)

    • Content Ideation Processes (How To Craft Videos That Get Views)

    • Streamlined Content Production System

    • Streamlined Content Distribution System

    • DFY Hiring & Placement

    • Employee SOPs

  • Testimonial Acquisition System

    • By leveraging our unique framework, you will be able to turn client check in calls into testimonials & case studies - giving you the ability to build your disgustingly long wall of testimonials to enforce brand credibility and trust

    • This can also be turned into long form content to distribute your brand credability at scale.

      • Remember. Distribution is key in 2024+

  • Premium Positioned Offer Creation

    • Enhance your offer to be positioned in a more premium lens, allowing you to make more money per client while also increasing LTV and MRR

    • Hybrid retainer + Rev share offers

      • Centralized & Automated Performance Tracking

    • Systems Implementation Offers

Infrastructure 2
Ad Creative Infrastructure + AI Videos & Images

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(Cause F*** Making Claims Without Proof ↑)

There is no greater skill to making money online then to ABSOLUTELY master paid advertising. It is the highest leverage activity that acquires clients (literally while you sleep).

These are the following systems we have built out:

  • Winning Ad Creatives & Templates

    • Over 7 different "Styles" of ads

    • Plug & Play image templates

    • Plug & Play video scripts

    • Access to our UGC creators

    • Access to our video editors

    • Launch ads that convert on day 1

    • Leverage AI to create ad images & videos

  • Scientific Method Of Ad Creatives

    • Understanding how to properly test and optimize ads & messaging for full funnel attribution - not just leads

    • How to read ad metrics like a scientist

    • Understanding when to kill & when to scale

  • Marketing Ad Creative Pipeline (Track & Centralize)

    • Track & centralize your ad creatives in one place

    • Organize raw footage and edited videos

    • Script, ideate & plan ads in one place

    • Decentralzied access to raw footage so you dont have to send anything to your editors

    • Automations to ping editors when new ads are ready to edit

    • Pipeline stage tracking (idea, scripting, recording, editing, etc)

Infrastructure 3
AI Ad Optimization & Ad Scaling Infrastructure

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(Cause F*** Making Claims Without Proof ↑)

After spending millions on ads - as well as building a custom software designed to scale ad accounts - we’ll show you how to scale up an ad account the right way, without burning through cash or watching performance take a nose dive.

These are the following systems we have built out:

  • AI Ad Optimization

    • Send conversion events back to ad platforms

    • Train your ad account's AI based on conversion data

    • Decrease cost per conversion by up 46% by leveraging AI models trained on your conversion data

  • 3 Phase Campaign Structure & Best Practices

    • How to set up campaigns, ad sets & ads

    • Scaling Campaign Set Up

    • Audience Testing Campaign Set Up

    • Creative Testing Campaign Set Up

  • Scaling Budget & Maintaining Performance SOP

    • Best practices to scale your ad accounts daily spend

    • How to maintain performance without volatility

Infrastructure 4
High Converting Lead → Appointment Booking Infrastructure

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(Cause F*** Making Claims Without Proof ↑)

Being able to predictably and successfully generate leads & book appointments (without your involvement) is up there amongst one of life’s biggest “glitches”.

Its infinite leverage and can get scaled up the output based on a monetary input (not with more man power). $1000 in = 10-15 appointments out. $100,000 in = 1000 - 1500 appointments.

After hundreds of A/B test’s - we’ve put together some of the highest converting funnels on the market (avg 37% lead to appt ratio in B2B Call Funnel).

And with so much volume of input, we’ve also mastered the automation side of this to track, manage, confirm, and follow up with all appointments that book.

These are the following systems we have built out:

  • Qualified Lead Gen Systems

    • Best In Class Meta Lead Form Funnels

    • Online Application Funnels

    • Organic Lead Gen Using YouTube + Shorts

    • Cold SMS Lead Gen

      • How to find quality lead phone numbers for pennies

      • How to mass outreach them

  • Fully Automated Appointment Funnels

    • VSL Funnels

    • DSL Funnels

    • Messenger Funnels

    • Document Funnels

  • Automated Confirmation & Follow Up System

  • Decrease No Show Systems

  • Appointment Status Automations

  • Pipeline Organization & Automations

  • Leveraging Organic Content For Pre Call Nurture

  • SMS Appointment Booking Funnels ($2/ Booked Call)

Infrastructure 5
Appointment Setting Infrastructures (AI & Human)

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(Cause F*** Making Claims Without Proof ↑)

After spending over $1M on ads, i’ve come to the realization that the easiest way to book more appointments is to squeeze as much juice out of the lemons you already have. In other words, I bet you have more money than you could imagine just sitting in your pipeline.

This is why having an appointment setting infrastructure that act as a safety net to catch leads who have fallen off is super important.

These are the following systems we have built out:

  • Appointment Setter Training, Onboarding & SOPs

  • Appointment Setting Scripts

  • Appointment Setter Hiring & Placement

  • Appointment Setting Systems & Automations

  • Appointment Setting Tracking Systems

  • Appointment Setter EOD Forms

  • Best In Class AI Appointment Setting System

Infrastructure 6
Sales Infrastructure

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(Cause F*** Making Claims Without Proof ↑)

One of the biggest game changers to your business is to figure out how to increase your sales closing ratio. After working with some of the biggest names of in the sales training space (you will 100% know who they are) - we’ve compiled the best practices that allow you to close high ticket on a zoom call, with a stranger who doesn’t know you from a fly on the wall.

These are the following systems we have built out:

  • Triage SOP

    • How to implement a triage process to safeguard your closers calendar, time & efficiency

  • One Call Close Sales Script

    • Our state of the art winning script that takes prospects through an journey where they either say yes or no at the end of the call

  • How To Transition Into The Close With Minimal Objections

    • There is a scientific way of asking people for money that increases overall compliance. This will 100% change your life when implemented

  • Objection Handling Framework, Script & SOP

    • Have you ever fumbled a sales call by not handling objections properly? Don’t you just love “I gotta think about it”? With our objection handling process, you’ll be able to peel back the onion and get to the true reason of hesitation.

  • How To Sell More PIF’s (Paid In Full)

    • If you’re not getting paid in full regularly, you’re not scaling as fast. PIF’s allow you to deploy more cash into ads, and ultimately buy out your competition from the race. Whoever reaches your ideal customer first wins - and the best way to do this is by increasing ad spend.

  • Closer Placement

    • We’ll also place a closer into your business using our insider network of A players who are in the high ticket digital closing space

Infrastructure 7
Internal Operations & Automations Infrastructure

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(Cause F*** Making Claims Without Proof ↑)

For anyone who has watched my content on youtube - you already know that Operations & Automations are one of my favourite things to geek out on. They are also the best way to scale your company WITHOUT relying on hiring more people, but instead making the overall business more efficient.

These are the following systems we have built out:

  • GHL Automations

    • 5 Min Lead Follow Up & Conditional Follow Up (phone + SMS)

    • Appointment confirmation & reminders

    • Decrease No-Show Automations

    • Lead Nurturing Sequences

    • Pre-Call Nurture sequences

    • Appointment Status Automations

    • No Show Rebooking Automations

      • How to use human psychology to get them to respond

    • Deal Status Automations

    • Ring The Bell Automations

  • Fully Automated Onboarding SOP

    • Onboarding Form Automations

    • Proposal Sent & Pre Filled With Custom Data Automations

    • Onboarding Form Submission Centralization

    • Onboarding Project / SOP Automation

    • Onboarding Call Auto Reminders

    • Onboarding Training Drip Sequence Automations (Daily Trainings)

  • Create New Go High Level Sub Account Automation

    • Also Automate New User Creation

  • Proper Sales Pipeline Setup

    • Best practices for large teams and ultra organization

  • Notion HubOS (Internal operations)

    • Client Success Page

    • Internal Project Management

    • Company Wiki

    • Employee Offices

  • Entire Company SOP’s

  • Custom 1-1 Automations & Implementations To Remove Bottlenecks

    • We’ll help you strategize, build and implement custom automations so you can run more efficiently and scale further with less employees.

Infrastructure 8
KPI & Data Tracking Infrastructure

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(Cause F*** Making Claims Without Proof ↑)

We’ll help you build a fully automated infrastructure to track all of your important metrics and KPI’s - so you can scale based on data and not emotions. (Sales tracking, marketing attribution, growth ops, etc)

These are the following systems we have built out:

  • Track Full Funnel Marketing Attribution (Automated)

    • Get crystal clear insights into whats working and whats not

    • Scale ads based on real data

    • Optimize for cheapest cost per conversion, not cheapest cost per lead

  • Track Sales Closing Ratios

    • Closing ratio on "Showed" calls vs "Qualified Calls"

  • Track Month Over Month Revenue vs Ad Spend

  • Track Call Data (Cost Per Call, Cost Per Showed, Cost Per Qualified

  • Track All Of Your Clients Marketing Attribution In One Dashboard

  • Track Retention & Churn Rates

Infrastructure 9
Service Delivery & Client Retention Infrastructure

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(Cause F*** Making Claims Without Proof ↑)

If you struggle with churn and delivering top notch client results - we’ll implement state of the art client success infrastructures into your business so that your clients stay longer and sing your praises. (We’ll also make sure you have that insanely long testimonial wall)

These are the following systems we have built out:

  • Grab Em By The Balls Service Delivery (They wont wanna leave you)

    • Do as much of the service delivery for them and take as much of the sales cycle off of their plate

    • Charge HIGHER pricing

  • Local Lead Gen Ad Templates

  • How To Cost Qualify Leads For Your Clients At Scale

  • How To Do A Systems & Infrastructure Implementation Model

  • Proper Client Meeting Cadence & Agenda SOP

  • Centralized Client Management

    • This allows for all client communications, projects and tasks to be streamlined into one portal, giving you the flexability to hire new csm’s faster and get them up to speed.

  • How to book appointments for your clients at scale, without needing tons of ISA’s


  • There will only be 1 type of successful business moving forward. Those who know how to leverage and use AI to its fullest potential. We’ll help you implement all of the AI tools we’re using now in our business, so you can stay ahead of your competition while also decreasing workload.

  • Challenge Funnels (Seeing really good results)

  • How to sell SaaS as a secondary offer profitably

    • How to transition this into higher ticket offer

  • Goal Tracking Systems (12 Week Year Method)

  • CEO Dashboard / Main Office

$0.00 Down, No Retainers or Setup Fee

(Only pay if you sign new clients)

🤝 We Only Get Paid IF YOU WIN BIG 🤝

Apply Below & Get Access To:

(Will be sent 20 minutes after filling out app.)


Agency GHL Snapshot & Training

Get instant access to the Agency GHL Snapshot & training. Packed with automations, pre built funnel templates & much more!


Free $30k/ Mo Agency Course & Resources

Get Access to a free 30k/mo Agency course with all of my free resources, templates, SOP's, and more!


Community Of Agency Owners

Join a community of like-minded Agency owners to connect with and learn from.


A Chance To Work With My Team 1:1 For $0 Down

We are willing to put our money where our mouth is. 1:1 work, $0 down, no retainers, no set up costs, no bullsh*t. Only pay when you win big!


⚠️ Limited Spots Available ⚠️

$0.00 Down, No Retainers, No Setup Fee, No "Pre-Pay"

20 Seconds ⏱️

Use your primary business email. Fake emails will result in disqualification
We will send the GHL Snapshot, Resources, & Community access to this number FOR FREE. Failure to provide a real phone number will result in automatic application denial

I Consent to receive the GHL snapshot, resources, community, etc via SMS
